cicada killers

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cicada killer control

Cicada killers, known scientifically as Sphecius speciosus, are large solitary wasps that primarily prey on cicadas to feed their young.

physical characteristics & habitat

Cicada killers are among the largest wasps in North America, with females reaching up to 2 inches in length. They have black bodies with yellow markings, similar to yellow jackets, and reddish-brown wings.

where cicada killers hide

These insects aren’t expected house guests, but they can cause a stir in and around your outdoor areas. You may spot them flitting around sunny, open areas like lawns, gardens, and playgrounds. Building in underground burrows, it’s often difficult to spot and eliminate the invading pests.
Common areas where they burrow include:

  • Near walkways and driveways
  • In lawns and gardens
  • Around playgrounds and sandboxes
  • On golf courses and sports fields

Females dig in sandy or loose soil to lay their eggs, providing each chamber a paralyzed cicada for the larvae to feed on. These burrows can be extensive, with tunnels reaching up to 10 inches deep and multiple chambers for egg-laying.

all the proof. you need

Michael did a great

“He was friendly and
respectful of our home when doing the inside.”

– Tom A.

always goes above & beyond expectations.

“Scott is so nice and polite.
He answers all my questions
and honestly.”

– Rae H.

David did an amazing job.

“He went above and beyond helping us with our bee problems.”

– Ann S.

seasonal habits of cicada killers

Cicada killers are most active during the summer months when cicadas and other food sources are abundant. Homeowners can often spot females flying low over the ground, hunting for cicadas to bring back to their burrows.

Males will patrol the nesting areas. While they may appear aggressive, they are harmless and cannot sting. Cicada killer activity peaks mid to late summer and diminishes as temperatures drop.

why choose professional pest control

While DIY measures can help manage cicada killers, a professional pest control plan provides extensive and lasting results. We offer tailored solutions to tackle cicada killer infestations effectively.

Our Pest Free Guarantee™ seasonal service plan covers cicada killers and over 30 other pests, offering extensive protection for your outdoor spaces. With regular, seasonal visits, we deliver year-round pest control to keep your home safe, comfortable, and pest-free.

Call 888.291.5333 today and we’ll tell you how it works and how you can be done with cicada killer activity!

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