carpenter ants
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live pest free.
carpenter ant control
Carpenter ants are usually easy to identify because of their shiny black color and large size (1/2 to 3/4 inches when full grown).
The black carpenter ant is the primary ant pest species in our service areas. Most people refer to them as simply “large black ants” that they notice in their kitchen or bathroom.
These ants are not selective about the age of homes they infest. However, since they make their nests in wood, they mostly prefer sections of a house with a lot of moisture, or wood that is rotting.
activity, habitat & diet
Carpenter ants are active during spring and summer in wooded areas. Homes that back up to wooded areas are many times more susceptible to getting a carpenter ant infestation, since these large ants occupy dead trees and decaying logs and stumps in the wild.

keep rotting wood away from your home to keep carpenter ants away.
One of the key ways to reduce your chances of a carpenter ant infestation is to always make sure to clear the land immediately around your home of any type of rotting wood, including firewood.
Adult carpenter ants forage at night in hot weather. Many of our customers get confused about what carpenter ants eat since they live in nests they chew out of wood. Unlike termites, carpenter ants DO NOT eat wood, they merely chew through it.
Carpenter ants are omnivorous, feeding mainly on honeydew (sugary solutions secreted by other insects like scales and aphids), plant juices and other insects.
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inside the home
After about 3-6 years, colonies produce winged males and queens which are active from late spring through midsummer. This is the time of the year the home and business owner needs to be particularly vigilant.
Because carpenter ants infest dark places, many times they can be living in the home unseen.
watch out for unexplained saw dust!
Always be on the lookout for saw dust material along the edge of the wall, especially in unfinished portions of the house. In the basement, proof. technicians usually find frass (saw dust material mixed with dead ant pieces caused by carpenter ant activity) along the wall underneath upstairs kitchens or bathrooms.
what proof. professionals do to get rid of carpenter ants
Dealing with carpenter ants is a professional job because locating the nest can be somewhat difficult and over-the-counter products WILL NOT work.
proof. pest control specializes in treating these damaging pests and we include coverage for them in our standard Pest Free Guarantee™ seasonal service (unlike a lot of pest control companies who make you pay for a separate carpenter ant service).