live better.
live pest free.
proof. pest control in utah
local utah exterminator serving the Wasatch Front
proof. currently offers residential and commercial Utah pest control services throughout the Wasatch Front.
Common types of pests we treat in Utah include:
- Ants
- Spiders: Black widows, Hobo spiders
- Wasps
- German cockroaches
- Pocket gophers & other rodents
- Termites
proof. orem, ut offices
1111 S 1350 W Ste F10
Orem, UT 84058
89 N 1330 W
Orem, UT 84057
Phone Hours:
Mon to Fri: 6 AM – 6 PM
Sat: 7 AM – 3 PM
Sun: Closed
common cities served by this office
We cover the Wasatch Front from our office in Orem.