herbs that repel unwanted pests

By proof. Pest Control
Did you know that herbs are natural pest repellents? Although there is no substitute for professional pest control services, there are some great herbs you may have around your home that really do help repel unwanted spiders and insects throughout the year. Herbs can work great both in your indoor space and outdoor space.

insect-repelling herbs

Though there are tons of herbs that are great insect repellents, these are some of the most popular and effective ones to get you started. These herbs will help to repel unwanted visitors, including ants, mosquitoes, fleas, lice, carrot flies, rats, and moths.

  • Basil­
    • Great for keeping away flies and mosquitoes, and can even be used on salads! Fresh basil is fragrant and delicious.
    • Keep it around for pests and for fresh summer salads.
  • Bay Leaves: Bay leaves are great for use inside cupboards or pantry spaces. They help to combat unwanted weevils, ants, cockroaches, moths, and flies. You can leave dried basil inside of cupboards, or even place it in your canisters of flour, rice, etc. Just remember to switch out the leaves every few months. Dried bay leaves can also be folded into clothing.
  • Lavender­: One of our favorite herbs, lavender is great for repelling moths, silverfish, ticks, fleas, and flies. You can make sachets that you put in household drawers, or hang in areas that need protection. It can also be finely ground and used on pet blankets and bedding to keep it fresh and flea-free.
  • Mint­: Mint is a very fragrant and refreshing herb. It may be used to keep rats, fleas, ants, and mice away. Mint can be used fresh or dried. Planting it around your home is advisable to help protect against ants and mice. Dried mint can also be placed on shelves or in pantries to help with mice.
  • Rosemary: Not only does it keep the air fragrant and fresh, but it also helps to keep mosquitoes, flies, lice, silverfish, and moths away. You can plant it outdoors around your home or garden and even use it dried in needed areas.

Learn more about our botanically-derived pest control options here, or give proof. pest control a call today!


Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
