What Does an Earwig Eat? Top 5 Foods!

By proof. Pest Control

Earwigs have a voracious appetite and a knack for finding their way into our homes and gardens, where they can wreak havoc. If you’re a gardener, you know all too well the frustration of finding your prized plants nibbled on by these pesky insects. 

And if you’ve ever woken up to find an earwig crawling across your pillow, you know just how unsettling their presence can be. But what does an earwig eat that keeps them coming indoors? 

In this blog post, we’ll explore why earwigs are considered pests, what they like to eat, and how to keep them at bay using simple pest control measures.

Where are Earwigs Common?

These small, winged insects are known for their distinctive pincers, which they use for defense and prey capture. 

In the wild, earwigs exist in forests, grasslands, deserts, and wetlands. They prefer moist environments and hide in dark crevices, such as under rocks, logs, and leaves. They also burrow in the soil and make their homes in the nooks and crannies of trees and shrubs.

Because earwigs enjoy moist environments, they may crawl in drainage pipes to seek out damp or dark spaces. Plus, earwigs can find their way into homes and other buildings through gaps in windows, doors, and foundations. Older buildings with significant wear and tear are more susceptible to these pests. 

Additionally, if doors and windows are left open, earwigs can easily crawl inside, particularly at night when they are most active. They may also hitch a ride on clothing, pets, or other objects brought indoors. 

Once indoors, they’ll stick to these moist areas like basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms or search for another dark place. They can easily take up shop under furniture or inside rarely-used storage boxes. 

What Does an Earwig Eat?

Despite their ominous appearance, earwigs are beneficial insects that can help control pests in gardens and agricultural settings. They are also important decomposers, breaking down organic matter and returning nutrients to the soil.

However, they’re not welcome guests in your home or garden, typically turning on plants inside and outside. 

Earwigs are omnivorous insects, which means they consume both plants and animals. They are opportunistic feeders and will eat whatever is available to them. 

These pests feed on decaying plant matter, fruits, vegetables, and insects like aphids, mites, and small caterpillars. Earwigs will also eat arthropods like spiders, snails, and other earwigs.

But what does an earwig eat that makes them so pesky?

Earwigs may seem like small and harmless insects at first glance, but in some cases, they can be downright aggravating.

In gardens and agricultural settings, earwigs damage crops like lettuce, strawberries, and corn, destroying your hard work. They can also turn on popular ornamental plants displayed in your home or patio. 

They love to chow down on leaves, stems, and other plant parts, which can stunt the growth of young plants and even cause them to die. An earwig’s feeding habits are significant for gardeners and farmers who rely on their crops for income.

Plus, these pests can cause serious frustrations for anyone who simply enjoys tending to plants and flowers. 

But it’s not just our gardens that earwigs can invade. These sneaky insects can also find their way into our homes, hiding in cracks and crevices and making themselves at home in damp and dark areas. What does an earwig eat indoors?

While they don’t directly threaten humans, their presence can be unsettling, and they can cause damage to the greenery and foliage you hold near and dear. 

Getting Rid of Earwigs

Besides their creepy appearance, an earwig infestation could have major ramifications for the plants on your property. Whether you’re dealing with these pests indoors or have a garden infestation, you’ll want to act quickly to resolve the problem.

Here are a few tips you can try with pest control to eliminate the earwig threat in your home. 

First and foremost, it’s essential to seal up any cracks or gaps in your home’s foundation or walls to keep earwigs (and other insects) from crawling inside. You can use caulk or weather stripping to seal up gaps around doors and windows.

In your garden, you can stop earwigs from nibbling on your plants. One option is to use sticky traps or insecticides specifically designed to target earwigs. However, we encourage you to use these products cautiously and follow the label’s instructions to keep yourself and your plants safe. 

Here’s a guide that explains how to safely apply pesticides near your garden and greenery

Eliminating earwig hiding spots is another effective strategy to keep these pests at bay. In your yard or garden, remove piles of leaves, grass clippings, or other organic debris where earwigs might like to hide.

Don’t forget the benefits of a well-kept lawn, either! Trim back any overgrown vegetation around the edges of your property and frequently mow your yard to reduce the likelihood of earwigs finding their way inside. 

If you find an earwig indoors or in your garden, avoid handling them directly. While nonvenomous, they will use their sharp pincers against you for defense. Ouch!

Instead, use a vacuum or broom to safely remove earwigs from your home or garden or trap them using a jar or other container.

The best way to protect yourself from earwigs is to take a proactive approach. By sealing up your home, removing potential hiding spots, and deterring earwigs from your plants, you can help keep these pesky insects at bay and enjoy a pest-free environment.

For long-lasting and assured protection against earwigs, contact us here at proof. pest control to keep these pests at bay! We can eliminate any wayward earwigs that sneak inside to threaten your flowering plants. 

Contact us today to set up a pest control service!

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
