increased rodent activity during covid-19

By proof. Pest Control

As it turns out, humans aren’t the only ones missing restaurants right now! Did you know that rat populations in commercial areas largely rely on restaurants to provide them with enough food to survive? Recently, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has issued a warning that rats are becoming increasingly aggressive as their food supply has disappeared. This is due, in large part, to the closure of eating establishments across America, in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19.

rat aggression

As rats become more desperate in their search for an adequate food supply, they are becoming more and more aggressive. It appears that rodents are beginning to turn on one another as they fight to feed themselves. Instances of rat cannibalism and slaughter are on the rise as it appears rats have gone to war amongst themselves, trying to stay alive.

what does this mean for me?

While rats do not appear to be any more aggressive towards humans, we can still expect them to behave much differently than usual. Rodents typically stick to coming out at night and keeping their travels short in order to avoid being seen. As their search for food continues, they are venturing out during the day, traveling much further than ever before. Because of this, we are expecting to see an influx of residential and commercial rat infestations.

Many people who have never before dealt with rat infestations are now finding their homes, properties, and businesses overrun by them. Whether you are in a rural or urban area, your chances of an infestation are probably much higher than ever before.

how can i keep rats away?

As a home or business owner, we know the last thing you want to deal with right now is a rat infestation. Luckily, there are several precautions you can take to keep rats out.

These include:

  • Seal entry points: Rats can enter even the smallest of holes, cracks, and crevices. Be sure to seal any holes you may find in or around your property, including along the foundation, near doors, in window screens, around fireplaces, in the attic, around vents, and in the basement.

  • Use rat traps: Place rat traps around your home or business to be sure that you take care of any existing rodents.

  • Keep your home and business clean: Rats are attracted to any open food sources. Make sure all of your food is store in sealed containers, counters are free of crumbs, animal food is properly stored, animal feeding areas are kept clean, and cooking areas are clean.

schedule rodent control today

At proof. pest control, we know pests so that you don’t have to. Our highly trained and experienced team is here to provide you with year-round protection against rodents. Thanks to our quarterly service, the Pest-Free Guarantee™, we are able to take care of any existing rodents within your property and build a perimeter around your property to protect it against future invasions.

As always, your comfort and safety are our top priorities. Trust us to protect your home or business, and we know you won’t regret it! Our team never cuts corners and backs each of our services with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Schedule rodent control today by calling or sending us a message online. We look forward to serving you! 


Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
