Can You Trap a Vole? Here’s 3 Great Options!

By proofPest

Unlike other pests, voles can stay active throughout the year. While they create the most damage during the spring and summer, voles can kill the roots of shrubs, trees, and other greenery. You may not even notice the damage until spring rolls around!

When these pests run rampant through your yard, you’ll want a pest control method to keep them at bay. But what are your options? Can you trap a vole, or should you resort to chemical pesticide methods?

In our article, we’ll give you advice on a vole pest control option that will keep your yard looking pristine!

How do Voles Cause Damage?

As voles scavenge around, they will eat a plant’s roots and stems. These pests also feast on the branches of shrubbery. While their damage may seem small-scale on paper, these pests can cause a host of problems for your yard.

Voles prefer to tunnel under the ground to find their next meal. While they stay out of sight, they create unsightly aboveground trails across your lawn. According to the University of Minnesota, many homeowners won’t know the extent of vole damage until the spring or summertime. 

If voles spend the winter tunneling under the snow, your yard will show signs of damage when the temperatures heat up. During the summer months, when the grass is green and plants bloom, voles could begin damaging your garden plants, flowers, grass, shrubs, and even fully grown trees!

Pest Control Methods | Can You Trap a Vole?

We know that you work hard to preserve your lawn. You don’t want a pesky vole to ruin your greenery! 

Thankfully, there are ways you can swiftly get rid of these pests. Whenever you have groups of these rodents in your yard, rest assured that you can trap a vole easily. 

Take a look at these vole trap options and other pest control tips you can try out!

Trap a Vole with a Typical Mouse Trap

One easy way to trap a vole is by placing regular mouse snap traps around their exit areas. Voles don’t stay underground 24/7, so you’ll be able to catch one of these pests within a few days!

This method is particularly effective for meadow voles, pests that affect many proof. pest control customers. 

At your local hardware store, grab a few mouse traps. You can choose from the standard wooden snap traps or more heavy-duty options. Voles are slightly larger than mice, so you’ll want something that can securely capture them. 

Set your traps around vole entry holes with bait added to the trap. Place a bucket or container over the hole to prevent other wildlife from interacting with the trap. Having nowhere else to go, you can snare a vole and prevent it from further harming your lawn.

Take a look at this video to see a snap trap in action, but keep in mind that it showcases pests trapped on mouse traps! 

Using Sticky Traps

So, if typical mouse traps work, can you use a sticky trap to trap a vole? Technically, these options work, but we wouldn’t recommend them for personal use. 

Sticky traps usually work for indoor rodents. As the mouse or rat runs toward the sticky trap to reach bait or another treat nearby, it will become securely trapped in the glue-like material. 

While these traps keep them in place, you may run into issues when it’s time to dispose of the item. Usually, the rodent on your trap is still alive when you find it, so you’ll have to decide the best method to remove it from your home. 

If you feel comfortable eliminating the rodent in your home, break down the glue in the trap before throwing it away. This prevents the trap from sticking to anything else. You can release the animal with the same method, but be aware that the pest could come back if you don’t remove it far away from your home! 

Never throw a sticky trap away with a live rodent stuck to it. The rodent may take days to die, and you could risk trapping another animal.

Whether you’re trying to capture a rat or vole, always choose the best option for your situation. Using sticky traps outdoors may harm other wild animals, and you may not want to get rid of the pest on your own.

Catch and Release Traps

If elimination methods aren’t your style, there are many catch and release options available that you can use to trap a vole. Of course, remember that this increases your risk of dealing with a renewed infestation!

You can purchase catch and release traps online or in a lawn and garden store. Like the other methods, position the traps near vole damage or holes to capture them as they exit their underground homes.

Before you release these wild animals away from your home, consult with your city’s wildlife laws to ensure you can legally relocate the voles on your property. Some areas prohibit off-property relocation of wildlife, and placing these invasive pests in another spot may cause more problems. 

When you have qualms about dealing with these pests alone, turn to a pest control company like proof. pest control! We can remove voles without you having to worry about getting your hands dirty!

Can I Prevent Voles?

When you can’t trap a vole on your lawn, consider contacting a pest control company. Voles are hard to prevent, but we have some tips that may entice them to find a new home elsewhere. 

  • Use a commercial vole repellent  
  • Regularly trim your lawn and other greenery 
  • Use raised garden beds to protect your plants
  • Spread castor oil around your yard (they hate it!)
  • Remove wood, twigs, or branches that pile up
  • Don’t overwater your lawn as voles can damage the soil easier in damp conditions 

If you still have voles on your property, you should contact proof. for professional pest control aid! We offer a vole treatment service that removes the troublesome rodents from your garden or yard.

Let proof. do the heavy lifting, so you can restore your yard. Don’t hesitate to call us today or use our online form to contact us!

A rodent CTA for proof. pest control that says contact proof. for comprehensive solutions for a rodent-free home alongside a rat in an orange circle

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
