How are Wasps Getting in my House? 3 Tips to Know!

By proof. Pest Control

Wasps are a common problem across the country, and their presence can be especially concerning when they come indoors. Wasps are known to build nests in various outdoor locations, such as trees, bushes, and eaves, but they can also find their way into homes and other buildings. 

Once inside, wasps can be a nuisance and a potential health hazard. It’s essential to understand the signs of a wasp infestation and take the necessary steps to prevent and control the problem.

You may be asking, “How are wasps getting in my house?” Thankfully, proof. has the answers for you! Keep reading to understand why you may see more stinging insects invading your home. 

Why Do Wasps Build Indoors?

Unlike other types of insects, wasps aren’t common indoor invaders. These pests primarily take up residence in your yard, either creating underground tunnels or building in trees, shrubs, or other outdoor structures.

Occasionally, some wasp species, like mud daubers or paper wasps, may build near your home, on nearby foliage, under decks, on porches, or around doorways. 

Wasps can sometimes build nests inside homes, typically in attics, roof eaves, or wall voids. Sometimes, these pests can create hives between walls, leaving you with an unknown and aggressive roommate. 

During the fall and winter, newly mated queen wasps search for a safe and secure area to hibernate. While these insects more commonly seek out brush piles, sheds, or trees, they can sneak indoors to populate our warm homes. 

Following the start of springtime, the queen wasp begins construction on her hive by creating a small, circular base to lay her eggs. After the eggs hatch, the newly emerged wasps will help the queen to continue building the nest, eventually taking over the work.

Wasps living in your home can be a real problem. While they’re not known to cause structural damage, wasps are aggressive and dangerous creatures, so it is vital to take precautions to avoid stings.

How are Wasps Getting in my House?

Wasps can invade residential homes in a variety of ways. During the warmer months, homeowners are likely to have their windows and doors open, allowing wasps and other insects free access to the inside. 

Typically, unless there’s an indoor infestation, most wasps enter homes accidentally as they forage. Wasps don’t regularly consume meat items and primarily eat pollen and nectar to sustain their diet, things not usually located indoors. 

If food encouraged the wasps to fly indoors, they’re likely searching for sustenance for the hive’s young that require protein-rich meals to facilitate their growth. But unless you have a substantial indoor pest infestation, these wasps shouldn’t turn your living room into their next hunting ground. 

But you still may wonder, “How are wasps getting in my house in the first place?”

Small cracks and openings in your home’s exterior can provide enough space for wasps to squeeze through. For example, door and window gaps, vent openings, or foundations damages can give wasps and other insects a chance to invade. 

Similarly, pre-existing holes or cavities can encourage growing pest problems. They could access attics through vents of gaps in your roof or sneak into wall voids through outdoor damages. 

Avoid disturbing any active nests you find indoors. It’s tempting to solve pest problems on your own, but proof. strongly recommends against DIY wasp control. Wasps are dangerous, and it’s important to take necessary precautions and contact a pest professional to protect yourself and your family. 

Handling a Wasp Inside

If you find a wasp indoors, it is crucial to take the following steps to ensure your safety and prevent the wasp from becoming a problem:

Remain calm and avoid panicking: Wasps can become dangerous if they feel threatened or you edge too close to their hive. If one flies near or at you, don’t swat at it, as you may accidentally provoke an attack. Avoid sudden movements and back away from the wasps to show you’re not a threat. 

Check for a nest: If you find multiple wasps in your home or a wasp flying in and out of a specific location, there may be a nest nearby. Take note of the site and point it out whenever the pest technicians visit to remove the hive. 

Keep food sealed and covered: While wasps prefer to feast on pollen and nectar, they will still stick around for a bite if they find anything sugary or sweet. Avoid leaving cookies, bread, or fruit out in your home if you notice signs of wasps indoors. 

Close windows and doors: Ensure all windows and doors are closed to prevent wasps from entering your home. It’s tempting to let a cool breeze indoors during the summer, but we suggest keeping the windows shut during peak wasp hours unless you have an insect screen. 

For any door and window crevices, try applying weatherstripping to keep the pests out. 

Repair Damages or Cracks: Whether you have wasps inside or other insects, it’s necessary to repair any cracks or openings in the home’s exterior. Small crevices or foundational cracks can easily be fixed, but always consult a professional before making extensive repairs to your home. 

Regular home inspections can easily identify potential entry points and help you address these areas of concern before other insects gain access. Here’s a helpful guide to locating cracks and damages

Call a professional: Besides preventative maintenance, we highly recommend contacting a pest control company to remove the wasp nest. You should never attempt to combat wasps yourself, even if you don’t have pre-existing allergies. 

Wasps aren’t pests to play around with; they’ll swiftly attack and sting to protect their nests. Removing wasp nests on your own could lead to severe injuries and allergic reactions to you, your family, and your pets. 

No more wondering, “How are wasps getting in my house?” To stay safe and still receive quality pest protection, trust us here at proof. Pest Control to get the job done! We can swiftly find and eliminate nests in or around your property. Plus, with our Pest-Free Guarantee service, we’ll remove hives during our inspections.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment or sign up for our PFG service!

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
