7 Differences Between Wasp Nests and Bee Nests

By proof. Pest Control

It’s not always easy to tell wasp nests and bee nests apart. At proof. Pest Control, we get it – and we know it makes all the difference when it comes to getting those pests under control. 


We can finely tune our services to your needs by learning these differences and applying precise pest control solutions for pesky and dangerous wasps. 


At proof., we handle multiple species, from yellow jackets, paper wasps, bald-faced hornets, and even the large and aggressive European hornet. No matter the type– we can identify their hive and differentiate these pests from the average bee hive. 

Differences Between Wasp Nests and Bee Nests

From the materials used in construction to the inhabitants’ behavior, the differences between wasp nests and bee hives are more than just skin-deep.

Construction Materials

Wasp nests are marvels of engineering, constructed from a papery material that sets them apart from the wax structures of bee hives. Wasps mix wood fibers with their saliva, forming a papery texture that forms the nest. This unique construction material provides wasp nests with a distinct appearance and texture.


In contrast, bee hives, particularly those of honeybees, are built using wax. Bees produce wax through specialized glands on their abdomen, which is used to construct intricate comb structures within the hive. The use of wax gives bee hives a smoother and more solid appearance compared to the papery texture of wasp nests.

Nest Structure

The structural design of wasp nests is diverse, varying based on the species. However, a common feature is the hexagonal pattern that characterizes the cells within the nest. Wasps create these hexagonal cells for brood rearing and storing food. The open and exposed nature of wasp nests, often attached to eaves or tree branches, makes them visually distinctive.

comparison of wasp nests and bee nests. left side of the image shows a paper hive covered and black and yellow wasps while the right is a yellow honey bee hive covered in honey bees

Bee hives, especially those of honeybees, have a highly organized and layered structure. The hexagonal pattern of wax combs is a hallmark feature, serving multiple functions within the hive. These combs are storage units for honey, cells for raising brood, and pathways for movement within the hive. The organized nature of bee hives reflects the complex social structure of the colony.

Nest Location

Between wasp nests and bee nests, wasps typically showcase more adaptability in their nest locations. Their nests can be found in both visible and concealed spots. While some build exposed nests on eaves, tree branches, or shrubs, others prefer hidden locations such as attics, wall voids, or underground burrows. This variety in nesting locations adds to the challenge of wasp nest identification.


On the other hand, bees often choose sheltered locations for their hives. Honeybee hives are commonly found in tree hollows, wall voids, or manufactured structures. Bumblebees may establish nests in underground burrows or repurpose abandoned rodent nests. The preference for sheltered locations reflects bees’ inclination toward protection and environmental adaptation.

Defensive Behavior

One of the most notable differences between wasp nests and bee nests lies in the defensive behavior of wasps. Known for their territorial nature, wasps are aggressive defenders of their nests. They swiftly react to perceived threats, posing immediate danger to anyone who disturbs their colonies. This aggressive response often escalates into stinging, causing distress and potential harm.



In contrast, bees generally exhibit less aggression. Bees, particularly honeybees, tend to reserve stinging as a final line of defense to protect their hives. Their behavior leans more toward caution, providing warnings before resorting to stinging. This peaceful demeanor emphasizes the importance of a gentle approach to bee nest management.

Colony Structure and Lifespan

Wasp colonies typically consist of a queen, worker wasps, and male wasps. The colonies are annual, meaning they only survive for one season. The queen establishes a new colony each year, and the old colony does not persist through the winter.


Bee colonies have a more complex and perennial structure. A typical honeybee colony comprises a queen, worker bees, and drones. Honeybee colonies can survive for multiple years, with the queen constantly present. This longevity and continuity distinguish bee colonies from the annual nature of wasp colonies.

Nest Size

The size of wasp nests and bee nests can vary, but wasp hives are generally smaller than some bee colonies. However, yellowjacket wasps may construct larger nests, especially in late summer or early fall.


Bee colonies, especially honeybee colonies, can grow much larger, with thousands of worker bees and substantial amounts of stored honey. The size of a honeybee hive can vary significantly, influenced by factors such as the colony’s species, location, and age.

Nest Color

The color of wasp nests can vary, with shades of gray, brown, or tan. The specific materials used by the wasps, along with environmental conditions, contribute to the overall coloration of the nest.


In contrast, the color of honeybee hives is more consistent. The wax combs within the hive are typically light in color, ranging from white to pale yellow. This uniform coloration is primarily a result of the wax material used in construction.

Pest Control Measures for Wasp Nests

At proof. Pest Control, we expertly eliminate wasp infestations and remove growing hives.  Our process starts with an inspection, where we identify the type and exact location of the nests. 


When dealing with paper wasp nests, typically found in visible spots like eaves or tree branches, our team equips themselves with protective gear and uses specialized tools for the delicate extraction of the nests. We aim to minimize any disruption to the surroundings while efficiently and securely eliminating the threat. 


On the flip side, managing concealed yellowjacket nests requires different expertise due to their hidden locations and aggressive nature. Our professionals employ cutting-edge techniques to access and eliminate these nests with ease. 


We also understand the crucial role of prevention. Our team removes existing nests and identifies and seals potential nesting areas. 


Count on proof. Pest Control to handle your wasp infestation professionally and safely. Don’t risk dealing with nests or hives yourself – let our experts take care of it for you. Reach out today and reclaim your home without worrying about stings or disruptions. 

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
