6 Steps to Repair Termite Pinholes in Drywall

By proof. Pest Control

Termites are stealthy pests that can cause extensive damage to your home’s wooden structures. One of the most common signs of their presence is tiny holes in your drywall, often called “termite pinholes.” 


These small openings suggest a possible termite infestation. In this guide, we’ll delve into termite pinholes in drywall, explaining their significance, how to identify them, and the steps to address the termite problem.

What Are Termite Pinholes in Drywall? 

Termites are small insects that feed on cellulose-based materials, mainly wood. When these pests infest your home, they construct intricate tunnels within the wooden structures to reach their food source. 


As they navigate through the wood, they often bore tiny holes in the adjacent drywall, which serve as exit points for discarded soil, saliva, and feces. These holes, typically less than 1/8 inches in diameter, resemble small, round, or oval openings, hence the term “termite pinholes.”


Recognizing termite pinholes is essential for early detection and effective termite control. Here are some key tips for identifying them:


  • Visual Inspection: Start by inspecting your home’s walls, ceilings, and other wooden surfaces. Look for small, round, or oval openings that appear unnatural and are not associated with other known wall imperfections.
  • Size and Shape: Termite pinholes are typically tiny but have a consistent size and shape. Use a magnifying glass if necessary to get a closer look.
  • Hollow Sound: To confirm termite activity, gently tap the area around the suspected pinhole with a screwdriver or similar tool. Listen for a hollow or papery sound, indicating potential termite damage within the walls.
  • Additional Signs: Pay attention to other signs of termite infestation, such as mud tubes on your exterior walls, discarded termite wings, or piles of termite droppings (frass) near the pinholes.


Termite pinholes are not just cosmetic imperfections but strong evidence of a more significant problem lurking within your walls. Termites can weaken wooden beahttps://rankmath.com/kb/how-to-use-content-ai/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Content%20AI%20Sidebar%20KB%20Link&utm_campaign=WPms, studs, and other essential structural components over time. If left unchecked, termite colonies can grow and spread to other areas of your home, compounding the damage and repair costs.

Repairing Termite Pinhols in Drywall

Repairing these pinholes is a crucial step in addressing the underlying termite infestation and ensuring the structural integrity of your property. This guide will provide a detailed overview of how to fix the damage these pests leave behind. 

Step One: Gather Materials and Tools

Before you begin the repair process, gather the necessary materials and tools:



  • Drywall compound
  • Mesh drywall tape
  • Sandpaper (grit 120 and 220)
  • Primer
  • Paint that matches your existing wall color



  • Putty knife
  • Utility knife
  • Sanding block
  • Paintbrushes
  • Safety goggles and dust mask


Having these items on hand will ensure a smooth repair process.

Step 2: Assess the Damage

Start by assessing the extent of the damage around the termite pinholes in drywall. Look for any signs of ongoing termite activity or weakened drywall. Ensure that the area around the pinholes is stable and safe for repair. If there are structural concerns, consult a professional contractor before proceeding with the repair.

Step 3: Prepare the Area

To prepare the damaged area for repair:


Clean: Remove loose debris, termite droppings (frass), or damaged drywall around the pinholes.


Cut Away Damaged Drywall: Use a utility knife to cut away any severely damaged or weakened drywall until you reach a solid and stable surface.

Step 4: Apply Drywall Compound

Use a putty knife to fill the termite pinholes with drywall compound. Apply the compound in thin layers, ensuring it’s flush with the surrounding wall. For larger holes or areas where the drywall is particularly damaged, embed mesh drywall tape into the wet compound. This tape provides added stability.



Let the compound dry completely, following the manufacturer’s instructions. This may take several hours or even overnight.

Section 5: Sand and Prime

Once the compound is dry, sand the repaired area with sandpaper (starting with grit 120 and finishing with grit 220) until it’s smooth and flush with the rest of the wall. Wear a dust mask and goggles during this step. 


Check out this helpful guide for more information about choosing the correct sandpaper grit!


Apply a coat of primer to the repaired area to seal it and prepare it for painting. Allow the primer to dry according to the product instructions.

Section 6: Paint and Blend

Apply paint that matches your existing wall color to the repaired area using a paintbrush. Feather the paint outwards to blend it with the surrounding wall.


Depending on the coverage and color match, you may need multiple coats of paint until the repair is indistinguishable from the rest of the wall.

Preventing Termite Pinholes in Drywall

Regular termite inspections are essential, as they can detect early signs of infestation before visible damage occurs—annual examinations by professionals, such as those provided by us at proof. Pest Control, can help identify vulnerabilities.


Termites are drawn to moisture, so maintaining proper ventilation and moisture control in your home is crucial. Address leaks promptly and use dehumidifiers in areas prone to dampness.


To further protect your home, reduce or eliminate wood-to-soil contact. Installing concrete or metal barriers can prevent termites from directly accessing your home’s wooden structures.


Opt for termite-resistant materials like treated lumber or concrete when building or renovating. Regular property maintenance is also crucial. Repair any damaged or decaying wood promptly to deny termites a food source. 


When safeguarding your home from termites and other pests, proof. Pest Control is your trusted partner. Our team specializes in comprehensive termite prevention and pest control solutions. 


Contact us today for a thorough assessment and a customized prevention plan tailored to your needs. Protect your home, prevent termite pinholes in drywall, and ensure peace of mind with our expertise and services!


Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
