Carpet Beetle Traps – 4 Proven Ways to Remove Carpet Beetles

By proof. Pest Control

If you have carpet beetles in your home, it can be a real challenge to get rid of them. These pesky pests can cause a lot of damage to your furniture and carpets, and they can be difficult to catch. In this blog post, we will discuss different techniques and carpet beetle traps that you can use to capture carpet beetles and get them out of your home for good!

Pheromone-Based Carpet Beetle Traps

Bug traps tend to fall into two main categories: those based on glue and those that rely on other mechanisms to capture insects using chemical baits and poisons. Pheromone based carpet beetle traps are among the more effective options. Pheromone traps are designed to attract carpet beetles with their scent. Once the carpet beetle enters the trap, it will be unable to escape and will eventually die. You can find pheromone traps at most hardware stores or online.

Pheromone based bug traps are designed to lure in and capture a variety of different common household pests, including carpet beetles, fleas, and silverfish. This type of trap works by using a blend of synthetic pheromones that mimic the chemical signals given off by the targeted insects. These pheromones can effectively trick these bugs into thinking they have found a potential mate and will be physically drawn towards the trap, where they are captured by sticky adhesive surfaces inside or on the outside of the trap itself.

Whether or not pheromone based bug traps are cost effective for most consumers depends on several factors. On the one hand, these traps can be a more effective and less environmentally damaging alternative to insecticides or chemical-laden sprays, as they don’t put any harmful chemicals into the air or onto surfaces where people might come into contact with them.

However, some might argue that pheromone based traps can also be quite expensive given their relatively low effectiveness compared to other methods such as roach bait stations or strategically placed glue boards. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual consumer to decide whether or not the benefits of using pheromone based bug traps outweigh the costs for their situation.

Glue-Based Carpet Beetle Traps

Another way to trap carpet beetles is to use a sticky trap. Sticky traps are made of adhesive material that carpet beetles will get stuck on when they try to walk across it. These traps can be placed in strategic locations around your home, such as near furniture or in closets where carpet beetles are likely to be found.

Glue-based traps are well suited for trapping carpet beetles. These pests can fly and jump, so attaching the trap directly to the fabric surface is a good way to ensure that they end up caught in the adhesive layer. The sticky substance used in these traps typically contains insect attractants that lure carpet beetles to the sticky layer where they get stuck.

Additionally, carpet beetles have notoriously poor vision due to their tiny eyes, so relying on physical barriers alone is typically not enough to stop these bugs from reaching your furniture. In comparison with other types of trap, glue-based traps may not be as effective at catching smaller insects or those with wings, but they can be very effective against carpet beetles and other crawling pests.

Natural Carpet Beetle Repellant

One popular method is to use essential oils to create carpet beetle traps and repellant. Some oils like clove oil, cypress oil, and peppermint oil effectively repel carpet beetles (and many other bugs), while others like lavender oil act as insecticides that can kill existing carpet beetle larvae and even adult beetles themselves.

To do this effectively, you will need to thoroughly mix the chosen essential oils with distilled water and pour the mixture into saucers or shallow dishes around the edges of your carpeted rooms. Your carpet beetles will be drawn to these fragrant traps and will quickly die when they come into contact with the deadly mixture. However, it is important to note that while this method is highly effective, it can also be toxic if accidentally ingested or inhaled by young humans or pets, depending on the substance used.

Cover Your Furniture

Another way to discourage and curb carpet beetle infestations is to cover your furniture with plastic covers. These covers will create a barrier that carpet beetles will be unable to penetrate, and will help to protect your belongings from damage. If you already have a carpet beetle infestation, using furniture covers can help to mitigate the problem by preventing the larvae from accessing their food source. In order to be effective, furniture covers must be properly sealed and placed over all exposed carpeting and fabric-covered surfaces.

If you have a serious infestation of carpet beetles, you may need to call in a professional exterminator. At proof. pest control, we will be able to identify the source of the infestation and treat it accordingly. Our pest control professionals may also recommend other methods of control, such as using insecticide sprays or dusts depending on the location of the infestation.

No matter what method you choose, it is important to be patient and persistent when trying to get rid of carpet beetles. These pests can be difficult to eliminate, but with perseverance, you can eventually rid your home of them for good!

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
