Ant Traps for Carpenter Ants: 2 Options for You!

By Lizard

If you’ve spotted signs of carpenter ant activity in your home, it’s time to spring into action! These pesky insects can wreak havoc on your property, so acting swiftly to pinpoint the infestation site and eliminate the colony is crucial.


That’s where ant traps for carpenter ants come in handy. These traps lure ants away from their nests with enticing bait. As the ants either get trapped or carry the bait back to their colony, you’ll jumpstart the process of eliminating the infestation.


In this guide, we’ll explore two common types of ant traps for carpenter ants, helping you choose the best option for your situation. Let’s get started!

Understanding Carpenter Ant Behavior

Unlike termites, carpenter ants won’t consume the wood they tunnel through; instead, they burrow into wooden structures to create satellite nests that lead back to the original colony. 


Carpenter ants typically flock to moist or decaying wood, making basements, crawl spaces, and attics prime nesting spots. Damp wood is easier to excavate and use as nesting sites, so areas with high moisture levels tend to experience more carpenter ant activity. 


Signs of carpenter ants include sawdust-like debris (known as frass), small openings in wooden surfaces, and large, winged ants (known as swarmers or alates) during the spring and summer months. Swarmers are reproductive ants that emerge from the nest to mate and establish new colonies, indicating a mature and established carpenter ant infestation is nearby or in your home.


Knowing how to locate these nests is essential to successfully controlling the infestation. These nests are often in damp or damaged wood, like around window frames, door frames, and roof eaves. Indoors, nests may be found in wall voids, insulation, and hollow doors. 


Regular pest inspections can help detect carpenter ant activity early and prevent extensive damage. Addressing moisture issues by repairing leaks, improving ventilation, and removing water-damaged wood can also help deter this pest from establishing a hold in your home. 

Types of Ant Traps for Carpenter Ants

When it comes to controlling carpenter ant infestations, ant traps are a popular and effective solution. These traps are designed to attract carpenter ants with bait or lure them into a sticky or toxic substance, ultimately eliminating the colony and reducing the population. Here are two common ant traps for carpenter ants that may provide some relief against an infestation.

Bait Traps

Bait traps are among the most widely used and effective methods for dealing with carpenter ant infestations. These traps use a clever strategy: a food-based lure infused with powerful insecticides. 


As carpenter ants feast on the bait, they unknowingly carry traces of the toxic substance back to their nest. Once there, the poison infiltrates the colony, disrupting its reproductive cycle and slowly whittling down the population. 

Gel Traps

Gel traps are also widely used to deal with carpenter ant invasions. These traps consist of a gel-like substance infused with a potent insecticide, attracting carpenter ants with appealing bait. The gel’s formula is designed to lure ants with a sweet or protein-based bait blend.


Once the ants are caught in the gel, they unknowingly ingest the toxic substance hidden within it. As they carry this treat back to the colony, it will spread amongst the inhabitants, eventually eliminating every pest, from the queen to the eggs. 

Which Ant Trap for Carpenter Ants Should I Choose?

When selecting ant traps for carpenter ant control, consider the severity of the infestation, the location of the nests, and whether animals or children will be nearby. 

closeup of an open ant bait on a path

Both traps have unique features and benefits that can influence their effectiveness in different situations, so weigh each option’s advantages and disadvantages. 


One benefit of bait traps is that they can target the entire ant colony, including the queen, stopping the colony’s reproductive cycle. Bait traps are generally safe for pets and children because the insecticide is contained within the bait and not exposed to the environment.


However, bait traps may take some time to show results. The insecticide can take several days or even weeks to impact the ant colony. In areas with heavy ant activity or severe infestations, bait traps may not even work.


One of the main advantages of gel traps is their ease of use and versatility. You can place them almost anywhere, targeting where you usually see the pests. They’re convenient to use indoors and outdoors, making them suitable for a variety of environments.


Like bait traps, gel traps can effectively target the entire ant colony, including the queen, leading to long-term infestation control. However, the gel traps may still take time to achieve results.


Unfortunately, gel traps aren’t always safe for children or pets. These gel traps often contain small drops of the product wherever ants roam, meaning the poison is available for your little ones or furry friends to access. If you choose this option, separate the area from others in your home. 


Ultimately, the choice between bait and gel ant traps for carpenter ants depends on your specific situation and preferences. Consider contacting a pest control professional for personalized care and expertly-backed treatments instead! DIY trapping can be tricky, but the technicians here at proof. have your back. 

Tips for Using Ant Traps Effectively

Ant traps for carpenter ants can be highly effective tools for controlling infestations, but their effectiveness depends on proper placement and maintenance.


Position traps in locations where ants frequently appear, like along ant trails, near nest entrances, or in spots with visible signs of ant activity. It’s also wise to place traps near moisture sources or food crumbs since these appeal to carpenter ants. Refrain from placing them directly on ant trails, which might discourage ants from entering the trap.


Routinely check and replace these traps to keep carpenter ant infestations from returning. If traps accumulate dirt or become contaminated with food crumbs or debris, clean them up before replacing them around your home. Periodically changing trap locations can help prevent ants from growing accustomed to their placement.

Trust proof. to Eliminate Carpenter Ants!

Given the complexities of finding carpenter ant nests, managing carpenter ant infestations demands professional intervention. Over-the-counter ant traps for carpenter ants often fail to address these pests effectively! 


At proof. Pest Control, we specialize in treating these destructive pests and providing you with the best service on the market! Our comprehensive Pest Free Guarantee™ seasonal service includes coverage for carpenter ants, eliminating the need for separate fees.


Contact us today!


Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
