5 Plants That Repel Ants

By proof. Pest Control

Ants can be a nuisance, but nature has provided natural solutions to help. In this blog, we’ll explore plants that repel ants, most of which you can plant in your garden or windowsill!

Join us as we dive into the world of natural ant control!

Plants That Repel Ants

Some plants can naturally repel ants because of their strong scents. Planting these plants in or around your home can deter these sneaky invaders. Here are some plants known to repel ants:



Mint plants, such as peppermint and spearmint, are a delight for your senses and a natural way to deter ants from invading your living spaces. These aromatic herbs emit a robust and invigorating fragrance that ants find unpleasant. Menthol and pulegone oils give mint its strong scent, making this plant a great culinary staple and excellent for keeping ants at bay.

Multiple mint plants

Planting mint near entry points to your home, such as windows and doors, or in areas where you’ve noticed ant activity can be an effective way to create a natural ant barrier. Additionally, you can crush and scatter a few mint leaves around these areas to enhance the scent and boost its repellent effect.


Lavender isn’t your average garden greenery. This plant that repels ants emits a scent that sends insects packing, making it a versatile and practical choice.

Springs of lavender

Ants aren’t the only pests that lavender can keep at bay. Its sweet, floral scent also acts as a deterrent for mosquitoes, those notorious summertime nuisances. Planting lavender in your garden or placing pots near outdoor seating creates a two-for-one pest protection zone.


Lavender’s secret lies in its essential oils, released when you crush its delicate purple flowers or brush against its leaves. These oils contain compounds like linalool and linalyl acetate, providing that lovely scent and disrupting the sensory cues that ants and mosquitoes rely on for navigation and feeding.


And let’s not forget about lavender’s versatility. Beyond pest control, you can harvest its blossoms to make herbal teas, fragrant sachets, or even homemade lavender oil for aromatherapy and skincare.


Rosemary is a fragrant herb that is effective in deterring ants naturally and versatile in the kitchen. It’s a must-have for any garden and kitchen and one of the plants that repel ants that you can easily plant indoors and outside!


Rosemary’s essential oils, specifically cineole, camphor, and borneol, release a scent that ants find disagreeable. Planting rosemary in strategic locations around your garden or near entry points to your home is a reliable and effective way to create a barrier that ants are less likely to cross.


Now, let’s talk about its culinary prowess. Rosemary is a cherished herb in the world of cooking, known for its earthy, pine-like flavor that can elevate a wide range of dishes. Its robust flavor pairs with olive oil, garlic, and other herbs, making it a staple in Mediterranean cuisine.


Marigolds are more than just a pretty face; they’re one of the top plants that repel ants. These radiant blooms are nature’s own pest control, armed with a powerful weapon: pyrethrum. Pyrethrum is a natural insect repellent that effectively protects against ants and other bothersome garden pests.

Close up shot of an orange marigold, one of the plants that repel ants

The remarkable thing about pyrethrum is its broad-spectrum effectiveness. When it comes to ant control, it disrupts their sensory perception, making it challenging for them to navigate and communicate effectively. As a result, ants are deterred from venturing too close to marigolds.


But marigolds’ superhero-like abilities don’t stop there. They’re also highly effective against common garden adversaries like aphids, whiteflies, and nematodes. Planting marigolds in and around your garden can help protect your precious plants from these unwanted invaders.


Marigolds come in various varieties and sizes, from the petite French marigolds to the larger African marigolds, offering a range of colors to complement your garden’s aesthetic. They’re easy to grow, making them an ideal choice for both seasoned gardeners and beginners.


Chrysanthemums, often affectionately known as “mums,” are celebrated for their vibrant and diverse array of blossoms; they also boast a secret weapon against ants and other pesky insects. This secret weapon is pyrethrin, a natural insect repellent commonly found in chrysanthemums and a key ingredient in many commercial insect repellent sprays.

Red mums in a field, one of the plants that repel plants

Pyrethrin is a potent insecticide that effectively disrupts the nervous systems of many insects, including ants. When ants come into contact with pyrethrin, it interferes with their normal bodily functions, leaving them confused and paralyzed, ultimately deterring them from your garden.


Chrysanthemums come in a variety of colors and shapes, making them a versatile choice for garden design. You can choose from traditional daisy-like blooms to more exotic and elaborate forms, ensuring a chrysanthemum variety to suit your garden’s aesthetic.


Additionally, chrysanthemums are often low-maintenance plants, making them a practical choice for novice and experienced gardeners. With proper care, they can thrive and provide long-lasting insect-repelling benefits to your garden.

proof. Can Help You Eliminate Pests

While DIY pest control methods and plants that repel ants can temporarily eliminate unwanted pests, professional pest control is undoubtedly the most effective and long-lasting solution. When you choose a reputable pest control company like ours, you’re investing in the expertise and resources needed to address pest infestations comprehensively. 


Our trained technicians are equipped with the knowledge to identify the root causes of pest problems and tailor treatments accordingly. DIY approaches may provide a quick fix but often fail to address the underlying issues, allowing pests to resurface. 


We are committed to providing reliable, sustainable pest control solutions to protect your living spaces. Contact us today!


Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
