The Best Ways to Prevent a Western Conifer Seed Bug Infestation

By proof. Pest Control

Warm weather means more and more insects come out of hiding, and you may see some unwanted guests exiting areas in your home. 

Many pests will choose to hibernate in warm areas and typically pick residential and commercial buildings as their homes for the winter. Western conifer seed bugs are some of the pests you can expect to see pop up as spring comes into full swing. 

While these pests aren’t a cause for concern, they’re an unappealing addition to your home. Through this article, we’ll teach you more about western conifer seed bugs and offer some advice to keep their populations in control. 

Western Conifer Seed Bug vs. Stink Bug

What exactly is this brown bug crawling in your home? The western conifer seed bug slightly resembles a stink bug, and both insects will migrate inside during winter weather. 

It is difficult telling these pests apart because the western conifer seed bug can similarly release a pungent smell as a defense mechanism. However, some noticeable differences can differentiate the two. 

Western conifer seed bugs are longer and more slender than stink bugs. The latter has a stocky, broad body with short and thin legs. While the two insects share similar body patterns, the stink bug is lighter and lacks the distinct color distribution of the western conifer seed bug. 

Check out this graphic to see the visual differences between these two pests. 

Graphic showcasing the differences between a western conifer seed bug and a stink bug

Will these Pests Damage my Home or Yard?

Unlike stink bugs, western conifer seed bugs won’t feast on your flowers or plants. You shouldn’t have to worry about these little pests making a significant impact on your garden or flower beds. 

Their diet primarily consists of tree sap and seeds, as their name suggests. When they travel inside during cold weather, they will not feast on anything in your home and will hibernate the entirety of winter. 

While indoors, the bugs can’t cause any damage to your home, lay eggs, or breed. According to Cornell University, these pests prefer to tuck away inside tiny crevices until the weather changes in the spring. 

However, these insects are a major nuisance – even if they cause no harm. As they begin exiting areas in your house, you could have dozens of these pests milling around. Because they release odors similarly to stink bugs, they may also leave your home smelling bad. 

How to Combat Western Conifer Seed Bugs

So, you may be wondering: What’s the best way to get rid of these pests? Here are some tips to remove them from inside your home.

Use a Vacuum Cleaner

If you own a vacuum cleaner, you can use it to take care of the insects. They do not move quickly, so you can easily vacuum them up using your appliance’s hose feature. 

Once you have them gathered, dump the contents of the inside container in the toilet or a bowl of soapy water. Avoid flushing the bugs until you’ve vacuumed up a handful to conserve water. If you’re uninterested in killing the bugs, you can always release them outside.

Use an Outdoor Insecticide 

Are you tired of these pests entering your home in the winter? Try spraying an insect repellent around the outside perimeter of your house.

With the right store-bought pesticide, you can prevent these pests (and many others) from planning an extended visit. While a professional pest control service can more accurately provide preventative measures, you can test out a method from the store.

Try to spray during fall when these pests will most likely enter your home. Depending on your location, you may need to adjust this time frame and spray pesticides during the months when temperatures drop. 

Always be wary when buying pesticides. Some chemicals can damage the foliage or plants around your home and yard. Many wide-use pesticides can impact other insect populations, so never use a spray that may unknowingly affect other bugs around your home. 

Protect your Home Against Western Conifer Seed Bugs

If you constantly find these pests in your home each year, you should look for areas where they may enter. Gaps in doors and windows can provide enough spaces for the insects to creep inside during the fall. 

Bug screens keep even the tiniest insects out of your home, but they are ineffective with rips. If the bug screens on your windows or vents are torn, repair them before late fall to ensure these pests won’t find their way indoors. 

Look around for any open crevices on the outside of your home. These areas may be hard to spot, but try to locate any gaps between bricks, fractured or loose siding, or cracks on the outside paneling. Promptly fill these spaces with caulk or replace any damaged or missing materials. 

Use Traps to Catch Multiple Bugs at Once

While traps usually work better for stink bugs, you could still try to use them for your western conifer seed bug problem. Sticky traps can take care of any insect that walks or flies onto the material. You won’t have to worry about upkeep, either. Just replace the traps as they fill up with bugs!

DIY traps won’t impact these insects as they will for stink bugs. Because stink bugs are attracted to light, it’s easier to catch these pests using illuminated traps. When DIY solutions don’t work, you can use tissue paper to remove the pests and throw them away. 

Contact a Pest Control Agency

You shouldn’t have to struggle to contain these insects on your own! When an infestation gets out of control, go to the experts for help conquering pests. 

Western conifer seed bugs won’t damage your home or harm you, but these nuisance bugs are an unwelcome addition to your property. If you have an influx of these insects exiting your home as the weather heats up, pick up the phone and call a professional!

proof. can help pick out a safe and effective pesticide to spray around your home to keep your property inhospitable for these pesky insects. 

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
