Discover the 3 Creepy Ticks in Arizona

By proof. Pest Control

When discussing ticks, it’s easy to picture them lurking in the woods during hikes or outdoor adventures. But did you know that ticks can set up shop right in your backyard? 

If you call Arizona home, you’re probably familiar with the state’s stunning landscapes and the rich wildlife that shares it with us. However, ticks can become unwelcome residents on your personal property.


In this guide, we’ll explore how to deal with ticks in Arizona, whether you have a sprawling estate, a cozy suburban home, or anything in between. From understanding the types of ticks you might encounter to practical strategies the proof. team employs to keep them at bay, we’ve got you covered. 

Ticks in Arizona

Arizona hosts several tick species, although less widespread than other parts of the United States. Ticks are pesky little bloodsuckers that can transmit diseases, so it’s important to know what you might encounter in the state. Here are the common tick types in Arizona:

Rocky Mountain Wood Tick

These formidable ticks are most commonly encountered in the cooler and higher-elevation regions of the state, such as the Mogollon Rim and the White Mountains. Picture dense forests, refreshing lakes, and lush meadows; these are their preferred hangouts.


Rocky Mountain wood ticks are worrisome due to diseases they carry, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Colorado tick fever.


Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF): The initial symptoms might resemble the flu (fever, headache, and muscle aches), but if left untreated, it can progress to a severe, life-threatening condition. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial, so don’t hesitate to see a healthcare professional if you feel ill following a tick bite. 


Colorado Tick Fever (CTF): CTF is like RMSF; it starts with flu-like symptoms such as fever and muscle pain. Though generally milder than RMSF, it can still make you quite sick. CTF often resolves on its own without specific treatment.


To reduce the risk of getting bitten by ticks, take the following precautions: 

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to minimize skin exposure.
  • Use tick repellent to keep the ticks at bay.
  • Conduct thorough tick checks on your clothes and body after spending time outdoors.

Brown Dog Ticks

These ticks are often linked to our faithful canine companions, but don’t be surprised if they decide to hitch a ride on you as well. Brown dog ticks in Arizona have a relatively cosmopolitan lifestyle, thriving in urban and rural areas.


These ticks have a particular affinity for dogs, earning them their moniker as a dog tick. When they latch onto our four-legged friends, they often embed themselves between the dog’s toes, around the ears, or in the skin folds. Tick bites often lead to skin irritation, itching, or more serious health issues. 


So, if you’re a dog owner in Arizona, you must regularly check your furry buddy for ticks.


Now, here’s the twist: these ticks don’t discriminate. They can also latch onto humans, transmitting Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Q fever in rare instances.

Regularly check your dogs for ticks, especially after being outdoors, and consider using tick prevention measures like collars or topical treatments recommended by your veterinarian.


As for humans, it’s always a good practice to perform tick checks after spending time in areas where ticks might be prevalent. Wearing appropriate clothing and using tick repellents can also help reduce the risk of tick bites.

Western Black-legged Tick

Western black-legged ticks in Arizona are associated with Lyme disease, but the risk of contracting it is relatively low compared to other regions.


While cases of Lyme disease have been reported in the state, they are relatively rare, and the majority of Lyme disease cases in the United States occur in the northeastern and north-central regions.



In fact, the western black-legged tick is something of a rarity in Arizona’s tick landscape. They tend to prefer cooler, more humid environments, which aren’t as common in the state’s arid and desert regions.


Be cautious in areas where western black-legged ticks are found. Tick-borne diseases can be serious if left untreated, so early diagnosis is crucial. 


It is essential to seek medical attention promptly if you experience symptoms like fever, fatigue, joint pain, or a rash, especially a distinctive bullseye rash associated with Lyme disease, after being in tick-prone areas.

Are There Other Ticks in Arizona?

Fortunately, many ticks that thrive in wetter, forested environments aren’t well-suited for Arizona’s arid landscape. You won’t likely encounter these ticks in Arizona, but you may see them in other parts of the U.S.

  • Black-legged Tick or Deer Tick: While this tick is common in the northeastern and north-central regions of the United States, it is not a prominent species in Arizona. Its preference for heavily wooded areas with high humidity levels makes it less ordinary in Arizona’s arid climate.
  • American Dog Tick: This tick is often found in grassy, open areas rather than densely wooded regions. While it can transmit diseases, it is not considered as prominent in Arizona as other tick species.
  • Lone Star Tick: Known for its distinctive white spot on its back, the lone star tick is more common in the eastern and southern United States but not as widespread in Arizona. It prefers wooded and grassy areas, less common in Arizona’s predominantly desert landscape.

Combats Ticks in Arizona

proof. proudly services seven states, including Arizona. If you’re struggling with ticks in the Chandler or Phoenix area, give us a call! 


Our Arizona tick experts can provide needed treatment to keep ticks away from your property and furry friends. At proof. Pest Control, we offer a specialized Tick and Mosquito Control program designed to significantly reduce these harmful pests’ populations by 80-90% within just a few weeks.  


We’re here to protect you no matter the season. Ticks in Arizona are no match for us! Contact us today!

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
