As you settle down for the evening, the last thing you want to see is a spider. These critters often waltz across your floors or descend from their hiding places on the ceiling.
Having a spider in your home is a problem, and a spider infestation is even worse! These creepy crawlers can deliver painful bites, and venomous spiders are dangerous additions to your home.
When you have a spider infestation, focus on removing these arachnids from your home. Check out these helpful tips on how to get rid of spiders!
Social Spiders Vs. Solitary Spiders
While most spiders prefer to mind their business, some species will congregate together in groups. One spider is bad enough, and seeing multiple is nightmare fuel!
Social spiders aren’t common in the United States. These bugs crop up around tropical climates, but don’t be surprised if you see a massive nest around the east coast.
Instead of building nests and hunting alone, social spiders will act together as a group to create a home and catch food. According to National Geographic, these spiders will decide their roles based on their demeanors instead of conforming to a strict caste system like ants or wasps.
While social spiders work together, the average house spider typically spends its days alone. Most spiders will build their nests, only engaging with other arachnids when mating or giving birth to their young.
Some spiders, like wolf spiders, may stick around to look after their newly hatched eggs, while others may become a food source for the newborns.
If you see an increase in spiders in your home, it’s unlikely you have a social spider infestation, especially if you live in the United States. Spiders stick around areas with abundant food sources, and your home could provide these creepy crawlers with enough nutrition to stick around.
What Causes a Spider Infestation?
Spiders are such a common nuisance that it can feel normal to spot these eight-legged terrors in your home. However, spiders are attracted to certain conditions and may flock indoors if your home covers their essential needs.
Clutter Around Your Home and Yard
While you may run into a spider web as you hike through the woods, some spiders prefer to spend their days in concealed areas. If you have clutter in your yard, spiders could hide and leave you with a nasty surprise.
Clean up any piles of leaves or branches as spiders could be hiding within. Decorative yard items could also house these pests, so be careful when walking around these areas. If you have young children, check their outside play structures to ensure a spider isn’t lurking.
Indoors, spiders will similarly stick around highly cluttered places. Because these areas aren’t highly frequented, you can see spiders in storage areas like your attic, basement, or garage.
To reduce the chance of a spider infestation, clean disorganized areas and remove excess messes. Check behind your furniture and inside boxes for webs or signs of spiders. If there are any infrequently used rooms, regularly remove cobwebs that pop up.
Available Food Sources
Unlike ants and roaches, spiders won’t come inside your home to feast on the food in your pantry. Instead, most spiders will flock indoors in search of these insects!
Spiders will catch most of the problem pests in your home, ensnaring these insects within their webs or seizing them as they forage around. If you have a current insect problem, you could also have a spider infestation on your hands.
While spiders often work hard to earn their keep by removing the bugs in your home, these pests aren’t welcome guests. Not only are these creatures often frightening, but many species are highly dangerous.
A black widow spider bite can make you seriously ill, while a brown recluse can cause debilitating physical symptoms. While these species shouldn’t kill you, you will still require medical attention following a bite.
To avoid an increase of spiders in your home, try to cut down on the number of insects indoors. Treating an insect problem is often the first step to stopping a difficult spider infestation. Many bugs are attracted to the food in your home, so keep your kitchen clean and place your food in tamper-proof containers.
When you’re struggling with multiple pests at once, speak to a reputable pest control service. At proof., we cover over 30 different types of pests and can eliminate all of the creepy crawlers in your home!
Easy Access Points to your Home
Like most pests, spiders can shuffle inside through any open cracks. Window and door gaps could provide enough space for spiders to come indoors and create nests. If other pests are already entering these areas, spiders could soon follow suit.
Begin by repairing any noticeable crevices and fixing poorly closing windows and doors. You should notice a difference after you remove their entrance locations.
How to Remove a Spider Infestation
Spiders can still head indoors even after you’ve utilized preventative measures. Here are some tips that can help you out if you have spiders indoors.
Place Spider Traps for a Spider Infestation: If you have multiple spiders in your home, sticky glue traps can help catch these pests as they roam.
Regularly Check for Spider Webs: The best way to prevent spiders from getting out of control is to look for signs of a growing population. Remove cobwebs and any stray spiders to keep the spider population under control.
Use an Insecticide: Many store-bought insecticides can do the trick when you’re suffering from a spider infestation. Be wary about spraying chemicals in your home if you have young children or pets, and always refer to the product’s instructions before applying.
Use a Repellent: If you want spiders to stay outdoors, try spraying an insect repellent outside the perimeter of your home or garden. You can purchase a repellent from the store or make one of your own. DIY repellent sprays typically include vinegar or essential oils.
Take a look at this guide to creating a homemade spider repellent.
Call a Pest Control Agency: One spider is easy to handle, but you’ll need some help as their numbers grow. proof. pest control can handle any species of spiders you may find in your home, and we are happy to offer organic indoor treatments!
Contact us today to make your home spider-free.