Do Mosquitoes like Certain Blood Types?

By proof. Pest Control

Mosquitoes are seemingly unavoidable pests, no matter what you do. Without proper pest control methods, mosquitoes will habitually populate your yard and bite you throughout the spring and summer. 

However, what truly convinces mosquitoes to seek us out? Do mosquitoes like certain blood types more than others?

Check out our blog to learn if mosquitoes prefer specific blood types and how you can protect yourself against these pests. 

Why are Mosquitoes Biting You?

Mosquitoes bite humans to aid in reproduction. Female mosquitoes feed on the blood of animals, including humans, for necessary nutrients that allow their eggs to develop.

These pests are attracted to humans by the carbon dioxide we exhale and by heat and other chemicals produced by our bodies. They are more likely to bite at dawn and dusk when the temperature is cooler.

Not all mosquitoes require blood, though. Only female mosquitoes feed on blood, while male mosquitoes consume nectar and other plant juices. Male mosquitoes do not bite or pose any health risks.

While mosquitoes seem to stick around forever, most only have a lifespan of a few weeks to several months, depending on the species and environmental conditions. Without a blood meal, female mosquitoes will live for a shorter time, as they will not have the necessary nutrients to sustain themselves.

The lifespan of male mosquitoes varies depending on the species and environmental conditions, but they generally live for several weeks. In ideal circumstances, such as warm temperatures and regular access to food, male mosquitoes can live for up to a month or longer.

However, many factors, such as predators, parasites, and harsh weather conditions, can shorten their lifespan. Pest control methods can similarly keep their populations at bay, protecting you from irritating bites and potentially serious diseases. 

Do Mosquitoes Like Certain Blood Types?

The type of blood that mosquitoes prefer is often related to the mosquito species and the environment in which they live. Some mosquitoes prefer the blood of birds, while others favor the blood of mammals, including humans. 

Mosquitoes are typically more attracted to people with type O blood. This may be because type O blood contains higher levels of certain chemicals mosquitoes find attractive. While not definitive, most people with this blood type suffer from more mosquito bites. 

On the other hand, mosquitoes may be less attracted to people with type A blood. In studies conducted with multiple blood types, mosquitoes tended to stray away from A-type blood in favor of types O and B.

So, do mosquitoes like certain blood types, or is it just coincidental?

It is important to note that this is not a conclusive habit. While blood type may be a factor in determining which people mosquitoes are more likely to bite, it is not guaranteed and does not provide complete protection from mosquito bites. 

Different species of mosquitoes may have different preferences for blood type. The attraction to a particular blood type can also be influenced by environmental factors such as the presence of other blood sources and food availability.

Taking precautions to reduce your risk of mosquito bites is still crucial, such as using mosquito repellent, wearing protective clothing, and staying indoors during peak mosquito hours.

Other Mosquito Attractants

Mosquitoes are drawn to a combination of factors, with carbon dioxide being the main attractant for mosquitoes. Because we exhale carbon dioxide with every breath we take, mosquitoes can easily track our position and can detect us from significant distances. 

Components in sweat, like lactic acid, uric acid, and octanol, will also bring mosquitoes to your side. 

Body heat also plays a role in attracting mosquitoes, as they are attracted to warm-blooded hosts capable of providing blood meals. You may notice more mosquito bites during hot summer days, especially if you wear dark clothing that traps heat. 

Standing water and moisture will encourage mosquitoes to remain nearby. Because mosquitoes require water to lay and sustain their eggs, birdbaths, toys, tires, and rainwater buckets are typical mosquito hotspots. 

Plus, mosquitoes enjoy artificial lighting and are more active during the twilight hours. Mosquitoes could quickly head to your location for a bite or two if you’re outdoors during the evening with ambient light. 

While it seems impossible to repel mosquitoes, many ways exist to keep them at bay. Here are some tips for preventing mosquito bites and encouraging these pests to nest elsewhere:

  • Use mosquito repellents
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Install insect screens in your windows, doors, or around porches and decks
  • Eliminate standing water where mosquitoes may lay eggs
  • Use citronella candles to keep mosquitoes at bay outdoors.
  • Plant mosquito-repelling plants like marigolds, basil, lemon balm, lavender, and mint 

These simple steps can reduce the number of mosquito bites you receive and make your outdoor time more enjoyable. However, we recommend combining these options with professional pest control treatment to keep yourself and your family safe. 

Across the United States, mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of severe diseases like the West Nile virus, the Zika virus, and malaria. In other countries, these pests cause thousands of deaths each year.

For more information on mosquito-borne illnesses, check out this article from the Centers for Disease Control

proof.’s residential mosquito pest control treatments can remove the mosquito threat on your yard or property. To keep your property mosquito-free, contact us today!

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
