Top 4 Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs!

By Lizard

Imagine finding bugs that look like bed bugs in your house—unsettling, right? These little critters may resemble blood-sucking pests, but there’s only one way to be sure you’re not dealing with a serious infestation. 


In our detailed guide, we’ll go over every bug that looks like bed bugs to help you differentiate between these hardy insects and other harmless pests. 

Overview of Bed Bugs

Bedbugs are small, reddish-brown insects that survive by feeding on the blood of humans and animals. Once fully grown, they have flat, oval bodies around the size of an apple seed. Despite their tiny size, you can usually spot them with the naked eye, especially after a meal when they become engorged.


These critters are night owls, preferring to hide away in cracks and crevices during the day and emerge at night to feed. They’re attracted to warmth and the carbon dioxide we emit while sleeping, which is why they often infest our bedding.


But where are bed bugs most common?


One big myth is that bedbugs only hang out in dirty or messy spaces. But the truth is, they can turn up anywhere, from fancy hotels to tidy homes. These pests don’t discriminate based on income or location—they can make themselves at home just about anywhere.


Bedbugs can hitchhike into your home through infested luggage, used furniture, or clothing. Once inside, they seek out hiding spots near their food source—humans. Common hiding places include mattress seams, bed frames, headboards, and nearby furniture. They can also lurk in cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and electrical outlets.

Four Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs

These bugs might seem similar to bedbugs, but they have unique characteristics, habitats, and risks. To tackle the problem effectively, it’s vital to identify them correctly. Let’s examine these bedbug doppelgangers and learn how to tell them apart.

Bat bug crawling on wood, one of the bugs that look like bed bugs

Bat Bugs

Bat bugs closely resemble bedbugs in appearance, with flat, reddish-brown, oval bodies, making them one of the top bugs that look like bed bugs on our list. They are about the same size as bedbugs, measuring around 3 to 5 millimeters in length. While they share many physical characteristics with bedbugs, there are subtle differences that entomologists use to distinguish the two species.


As their name suggests, bat bugs feed on bat blood and often reside in bat roosts, caves, or attics. However, when bats are absent, bat bugs may seek alternative hosts, including humans. Infestations in human dwellings usually occur when bats leave or are excluded from the area, leaving behind hungry bat bugs seeking a new food source.


Bat bugs are also creatures of the night, feasting on their hosts under the cover of darkness. By day, they retreat into the shadows, seeking refuge in cracks and crevices near their host’s resting spots. 


This elusive behavior makes them challenging to spot during daylight hours. Remarkably resilient, bat bugs can endure for months without a blood meal, allowing them to persist even when their primary hosts are absent.


Controlling bat bugs begins with addressing the bat populations they feed on. This often requires professional assistance to remove bats from your property and seal entry points to prevent their return.


To eliminate bat bugs, wash bedding, clothing, and other fabric items in hot water and dry them on high heat. Consider using heat treatments, such as steam cleaners or heating devices, in infested areas to further eradicate bat bugs.

Spider Beetles

Spider beetles are small and oval-shaped, with a reddish-brown or dark-brown hue. Their distinctive feature is their long, slender legs, which resemble spider legs. Ranging from 1 to 5 millimeters in length, they’re around the same size as bedbugs.


You can often find spider beetles in homes and warehouses feeding on organic materials. Acting as scavengers, they’ll devour dried food products, dead insects, animal remains, and even items like book bindings and paper.


Unlike bedbugs, spider beetles aren’t interested in blood and don’t pose a threat to humans or animals. Instead, they prefer organic or decaying materials, making them more dangerous to your pantry or garden. 


To manage spider beetles, identify and eliminate their food sources, such as stored food products or organic debris. Additionally, sealing cracks and crevices and maintaining proper sanitation practices can help prevent infestations.


Booklice are other bugs that look like bed bugs. They are tiny insects, usually only measuring 1 to 2 millimeters in length. They sport a pale or translucent color, with soft bodies and long antennae. Due to their petite size and light hue, they can sometimes be mistaken for bedbug nymphs or eggs.


These tiny critters are often found in damp, humid environments like basements, kitchens, bathrooms, and areas with water damage. They have a varied diet, feasting on organic materials like mold, fungi, algae, and starchy substances found in book bindings, paper, cardboard, and other paper products.


Unlike bedbugs, booklice don’t bite humans or animals or feed on blood. They’re harmless to humans but more of a nuisance. 


Controlling booklice starts by addressing moisture issues and reducing humidity levels in affected areas. This means fixing leaks, improving ventilation, using dehumidifiers, and eliminating moisture sources. Additionally, thorough cleaning and decluttering can remove food sources and hiding spots.

Cockroach Nymphs 

While cockroaches themselves aren’t bugs that look like bed bugs, their young can resemble these blood-sucking pests. Cockroach nymphs vary in size depending on their age and species, but they typically range from 1 to 5 millimeters in length. They have flat bodies and are usually translucent or light brown in color. Like bedbug nymphs, cockroach nymphs lack wings and are smaller than adult cockroaches.


You’ll typically find cockroach nymphs in kitchens, bathrooms, and other places with abundant food and moisture sources. They prefer dark, secluded spots and often hide in cracks, crevices, behind appliances, or under sinks and cabinets.


Cockroach nymphs aren’t interested in blood and won’t bite humans or animals. Instead, they feed on food scraps, grease, and other debris commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms. These little critters are nocturnal creatures, meaning they’re most active at night, scuttling around for food and shelter to satisfy their needs.


To eliminate cockroach nymphs, you’ll need to invest in a holistic cockroach management approach. Start by removing food and water sources, sealing up cracks and crevices, and placing down baits and traps. 


Regular inspections and maintenance also play a crucial role in long-term cockroach control. Contact us if you’re struggling with a severe cockroach problem!

When to Contact the Experts at proof.!

Knowing when to seek professional assistance for bugs that look like bed bugs is crucial, especially if you’re uncertain about their identity. Here’s when to consider contacting pest control experts:

Booklice or barklice feeding in flour. Little Liposcelis bostrychophila in order Psocoptera. Small brown Trogium pulsatorium, common booklouse on domestic kitchen. Food pest macro life top view

  • Persistent Infestations: If your efforts to eliminate the bugs have failed or the infestation keeps recurring despite your attempts, it’s time to seek professional help.
  • Uncertain Identification: If you need help determining whether the bugs are bedbugs or other types of insects, contact pest control experts.
  • Large-Scale Infestations: For extensive infestations affecting multiple areas of your home or property, contact pest control professionals to address the problem effectively.
  • Peace of Mind: If you suspect the bugs aren’t bedbugs but are still worried about their presence or unsure how to handle the situation, contacting pest control experts can provide guidance and peace of mind.


Proper identification and treatment are essential when dealing with any pest infestation. If you’re struggling with bugs that look like bed bugs or any of the 30 common household pests we cover, give us a call!

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
