Best Wasp Repellents You Can Try at Home

By proofPest

Wasps can quickly turn your outdoor gathering into a major buzzkill. Nobody wants to share their picnic with a squad of these stinging insects. 


That’s where we come in, ready to teach you about the best wasp repellents so you can enjoy a wasp-free summer. Here at proof. Pest Control, we’re not fans of wasps either, but we’ve got you covered with our effective solutions. Let’s dive into the battle against these pesky invaders.

Best Wasp Repellents That Are Natural

The war against wasps begins with understanding the enemy. Knowing their dislikes can be a powerful weapon. Here are the best wasp repellents you can create at home:

Sliced cucumbers, one of the best wasp repellents you can try

  • Peppermint Oil: Wasps, like most pests, despise the scent of peppermint. You can create your own repellent spray by mixing water with a few drops of peppermint oil and spritzing it around your outdoor area. This will send wasps packing.
  • Cucumber Slices: Another fresh option is cucumber slices. Like citrus fruits, placing cucumber slices on your outdoor table or garden can deter wasps.
  • Vinegar: Not only does vinegar work wonders as a salad dressing, but it’s also a potent natural wasp repellent. Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and use it to keep wasps away.

Best Wasp Repellents You Can Find Commercially

If you prefer a ready-made solution, there are several commercial wasp repellents available that have proven effective. Here are some of the best wasp repellents you can find in stores:


  • Wasp Repellent Sprays: Various wasp-repellent sprays are available on the market. These aerosols can provide instant protection and are handy for targeted applications as long as you follow the label instructions closely. However, we recommend you save the hands-on approach to the professionals. We’re especially trained and can tackle these aggressive pests. 

  • Wasp Repellent Candles: Wasp-repellent candles emit scents that deter wasps. These can be a stylish and practical addition to your outdoor setup, creating a wasp-free zone.
  • Electric Wasp Zappers: If you want to take a more active approach, consider using an electric wasp zapper. These devices attract wasps with UV light and then electrocute them. 

DIY Wasp Traps

Sometimes, the best wasp repellents don’t work, and you’ll need to take an active role in pest control. For those who prefer a hands-on approach, making your own DIY wasp traps can be a cost-effective and fun solution:

plastic water bottle with light shining on it

Bottle Trap

Here are step-by-step instructions for creating a simple wasp trap using an empty plastic bottle:


Materials you will need:

  • Empty plastic bottle (e.g., a soda or water bottle)
  • Sharp utility knife or scissors
  • Sweet liquid bait (sugar water or soda)
  • String or wire (optional for hanging the trap)




Choose an Empty Plastic Bottle: Start by selecting an empty plastic bottle. A 2-liter soda bottle or a similar size bottle works well for this purpose.


Cut the Top Off: Using a sharp utility knife or scissors carefully cut the top portion of the plastic bottle. You’ll want to remove the top part just below the neck, leaving you with an inverted funnel-like shape.


Invert the Top Back Into the Bottle: Take the top portion that you just cut off and invert it. Insert it back into the bottle, but make sure it fits snugly and forms a funnel shape. The smaller opening of the funnel should point downward into the bottle.


Add Sweet Liquid Bait: Pour a sweet liquid bait into the bottom of the bottle. You can create a sugar water solution by mixing water with sugar until it dissolves. If you have hummingbird feeders filled with this sweet solution and you’re struggling to keep wasps out, check out this handy guide!


Create a Hanger (If Desired): If you want to hang the wasp trap, you can make a hanger by poking two holes near the top of the bottle and threading a piece of string or wire through them. This will allow you to hang the trap from a tree branch or other suitable location.


Place the Trap: Locate areas where wasps are a nuisance, such as near outdoor dining areas, gardens, or trash cans. Hang the trap if you created a hanger, or simply place it on a flat surface.


Check and Empty the Trap: Check the trap regularly for trapped wasps. Wasps will be attracted to the sweet liquid, enter the funnel, and have difficulty finding their way out. Empty the trap as needed to prevent it from becoming overcrowded with captured wasps.

Paper Bag Trap 

Now, let’s dive into a simple and budget-friendly trick for keeping wasps at bay in your outdoor hangout. We’ll show you how to make a DIY wasp-deterrent using an empty paper bag that looks like the real deal.


Here are the materials you will need:


  • An empty paper bag
  • String or wire
  • Black or brown markers
  • A place to hang the decoy (e.g., near your outdoor area)




Obtain an Empty Paper Bag: To start, you’ll need an empty paper bag. A standard brown paper bag from a grocery store works perfectly for this purpose.


Inflate the Bag: Open the paper bag and gently inflate it with air. You want it to have a full, rounded shape similar to that of a real wasp nest.


Create Wasp Nest Patterns: Using black or brown markers, draw patterns on the paper bag to mimic a wasp nest’s appearance. Real wasp nests typically have a textured, irregular surface. You can draw wavy lines, circles, and other random shapes to simulate the nest’s texture.


Hang the Decoy: Using string or wire, create a loop at the top of the bag to hang it. Find a strategic location near your outdoor area where you want to deter wasps. This could be on a tree branch, a porch, or any other suitable spot. Hang the bag securely, making sure it is visible to potential wasp intruders.


Maintain the Decoy: Check the decoy regularly to ensure that it remains inflated and visible. Real wasps are territorial creatures and may avoid your space, thinking it’s already occupied by another colony.

Preventive Measures

While repellents are essential for immediate relief, long-term victory over wasps often depends on preventative actions. Here are some key strategies to keep wasps from becoming a persistent problem:


  • Secure Food and Trash: Wasps are attracted to sweet and protein-based foods. Make sure to keep all food and trash containers sealed tightly during outdoor gatherings.
  • Cover Your Drinks: Wasps are notorious for diving into sugary beverages. Always use lids or covers for your drinks to prevent them from becoming accidental wasp traps.
  • Regular Maintenance: Frequently inspect your property for any potential nesting sites. Wasps love to build their homes in hidden spots, so staying vigilant can save you from future infestations.
  • Keep Outdoor Lights Off: White or yellow outdoor lighting can attract insects, including wasps. Consider using less attractive, insect-repellent lighting or keep your outdoor lights off when unnecessary.
  • Wasp-Proofing Your Home: To prevent wasps from entering your living space, ensure that all doors and windows have screens fitted. Inspect your home for gaps or cracks that could serve as entry points.

Professional Pest Control Services

When the wasp situation becomes too overwhelming, it’s time to call in the professionals. While we’re happy to provide you with a list of the best wasp repellents, nothing is better than tried and true pest control!


proof. Pest Control doesn’t just eliminate the immediate wasp problem; we also provide ongoing monitoring services to ensure your property remains wasp-free. We’ll keep a watchful eye on your property and respond swiftly to any resurgence of wasps.


Contact us today for any of our stinging insect services!


call to action featuring the words proof. pest control. protect your family from wasp threats! get started today with trusted wasp service! alongside a yellow jacket in an orange circle

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