What to Do When You Find Rat Holes in Your Backyard

By Lizard

Finding rat holes in your backyard is a nuisance and a red flag that something is going on beneath the surface, literally. These burrows are not just unsightly; they signal the presence of rats that could damage your property and potentially spread disease. 


While it might be tempting to grab some dirt and fill those holes yourself, that’s not the solution. Instead, addressing the root of the problem is crucial, and that’s where professional pest control comes in.

What Do Rat Holes in Your Backyard Mean?

When you discover rat holes in your backyard, it’s a sure sign that rats have taken up residence on your property. These rodents dig intricate burrow systems with multiple entrances and exits to quickly escape predators. 


Typically, you’ll find these burrows near food and water sources, like garbage bins, gardens, or compost piles. The presence of rat holes often indicates an established rat population, and where there are a few, there are usually many more lurking underground.

Brown rat hiding in a hole on muddy ground.

Rats are resourceful creatures and excellent diggers. Their burrows can be extensive, causing structural issues by undermining patios, sidewalks, and even your home’s foundation. 


Beyond the physical damage, rats carry a host of diseases that can threaten your health and safety. They’re known to spread leptospirosis, hantavirus, and even the plague, making their presence more than just a backyard inconvenience.

Why You Shouldn’t Just Fill Them In

Many homeowners’ first instinct upon discovering rat holes in their backyards is to fill them in. However, simply covering up the holes won’t solve the problem. Rats are persistent and will dig new burrows to replace the ones you’ve filled, often expanding their territory in the process. 


Filling the holes without addressing the underlying infestation is like putting a band-aid on a deep wound! It might cover the problem temporarily, but it won’t fix it.


In some cases, filling rat holes can make the situation worse. Trapping rats underground without a way out can lead to them burrowing even closer to your home, increasing the risk of them finding a way inside. Worse still, they might die in their tunnels, leading to unpleasant odors and attracting other pests. The goal should be to eliminate the rats, not just their holes.


Once you’ve taken care of these furry pests, feel free to return your lawn back to its former glory!

The Professional Approach to Rat Control

When you spot rat holes in your backyard, it’s time to call in the professionals. At proof. Pest Control, we take a comprehensive approach to rat control, focusing on immediate solutions and long-term prevention. We don’t just deal with the surface problem—we target the infestation at its source.

Exterior Treatments 

One of the most effective ways to tackle a rat infestation is through exterior treatments. Our technicians begin by thoroughly inspecting your property to identify active burrows and potential entry points. 


We then apply targeted treatments around these areas to reduce the rat population and prevent them from entering your home. These treatments are carefully chosen to be effective yet safe for your family and pets.

Indoor Trapping

While exterior treatments are crucial, we also focus on what’s happening inside your home. Rats often use backyard burrows as a base but can easily make their way indoors for food and warmth. 


We strategically place traps inside your home, particularly in areas where rats are most likely to travel. This dual approach ensures that we’re addressing the problem outside and in, giving you the best chance of eradicating the infestation.

Ongoing Monitoring

Rat control isn’t a one-and-done job. After the initial treatment, we continue monitoring your property to ensure the rats don’t return. We’ll schedule follow-up visits to check for new burrows or signs of rat activity and adjust our treatments as needed. With regular monitoring, you can be confident that your home remains rat-free!

Keeping Rats Out for Good

While our treatments are highly effective, prevention is key to ensuring that rats don’t make a comeback. Here are some steps you can take to make your backyard and home less inviting to these unwanted guests:

rat in the toilet looking for old water

  • Eliminate Food Sources: Rats are attracted to easy meals. Keep your garbage cans tightly sealed, remove pet food from outside, and avoid leaving food scraps in your garden. Compost bins should be securely covered, and fallen fruits or vegetables should be promptly picked up.
  • Remove Water Sources: Rats need water to survive, so eliminate standing water from your yard. This includes fixing leaky faucets, draining bird baths, and ensuring that gutters are clear of debris.
  • Declutter Your Yard: Rats love hiding in wood, leaves, or other debris piles. Keep your yard tidy and remove any clutter that could serve as a shelter for rats. Trim overgrown shrubs and bushes, and keep firewood elevated and away from your home.
  • Secure Entry Points: Inspect your home for any gaps or cracks that rats could use to enter. Seal them with materials that rats can’t chew through, such as steel wool or metal flashing. Pay special attention to areas around pipes, vents, and doors.

Choose proof. Pest Control For Rat Pest Control 

Our team of experienced technicians is dedicated to providing effective, long-lasting solutions that keep your home and family safe. We don’t just treat the problem; we partner with you to prevent it from happening again.


When it comes to rat control, don’t settle for half-measures. Trust the professionals at proof. Pest Control to get the job done right. With our comprehensive approach, you can say goodbye to rat holes in your backyard and hello to peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule your inspection!

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
