3 Common Wasps in Michigan

By proofPest

Michigan is a beautiful state known for its Great Lakes, stunning landscapes, and welcoming communities. But lurking in the shadows are some of nature’s most aggressive and potentially dangerous creatures: wasps. 

Wasps in Michigan are common during the warmer months, and their stings can cause severe pain and allergic reactions. But what exactly are wasps, and why are they so prevalent in Michigan?

In this blog, we’ll look closer at the different types of wasps found in Michigan, their behavior, and how to stay safe when dealing with these stinging insects. 

Types of Wasps in Michigan

Michigan is home to various wasp species, including some of the most common types found in North America. 

Paper wasps

Paper wasps are a type of aggressive stinging insect that can quickly become a nightmare for homeowners. These wasps are named after the papery, grayish-brown nests they build, often found attached to eaves, gutters, and other exterior structures around your home.

As social insects, paper wasps live in large colonies with a clearly defined social hierarchy. The queen paper wasp lays eggs and is responsible for reproducing, while the worker wasps are responsible for building the nest, collecting food, and caring for the young.

Unlike honeybees, paper wasps don’t leave their stinger behind when they sting, so they can inflict repeated stings. They are a danger to anyone who may come into contact with them, especially those who are allergic to their venom.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are another type of wasp in Michigan. Their yellow and black striped bodies easily distinguish them from other wasp species. Like paper wasps, yellow jackets are social insects and live in colonies ranging in size from a few dozen to several thousand individuals.

These wasps typically build their nests in the ground, although they can also be found in other locations such as trees, shrubs, and manufactured structures. Similar to paper wasps, yellow jackets craft their nests from chewed wood fiber and pulp, using their salvia to bind the materials together. 

Yellow jackets are carnivorous and feed on a variety of insects, including caterpillars, flies, and other wasps. They are also known to scavenge for meat for their young, targeting carrion, dead animals, and discarded human food. 

In the late summer and early fall, yellow jackets can become more aggressive and may be attracted to sugary foods and beverages.

Homeowners should also be cautious when working outdoors, especially when mowing the lawn or trimming shrubs, as disturbed nests can provoke an attack. Their sting is no joke, even rated a pain level 2 on the Schmidt pain scale!

Controlling yellow jackets can be challenging, as their nests can be difficult to locate and remove. Contact proof. to handle yellow jacket infestations to keep your yard and family safe!

Bald-faced hornets

Of all of the wasps in Michigan, the bald-faced hornet is the most unique. They are typically larger than other types of wasps, with distinctive black-and-white coloring. Due to the white markings on their faces, these hornets are also known as “white-faced” hornets. 

Their nests are typically constructed in trees or on buildings and can reach sizes of up to 14 inches in diameter. Bald-faced hornet nests are also distinctive in appearance, with a rounded shape and a small entrance at the bottom.

Like other wasps, bald-faced hornets primarily consume fruit, pollen, and nectar, saving insects and other protein sources for the developing larvae left behind in the hive. You may spot these pests searching for other insects or food for their young near garbage cans or compost piles. 

Staying Safe from Wasps in Michigan

Wasps can be a nuisance and even dangerous if they decide to make their home on your property. Luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent them from taking up residence in the first place. Here are some tips to keep wasps away:

Seal any potential entry points: Wasps aren’t common indoors, but removing any possible entry points around your home or on other outdoor structures is always helpful. Check your property for cracks, holes, or gaps in walls, roofs, or doors where wasps could enter. Seal them with caulk or weather stripping to prevent wasps from getting in. 

Keep your property clean: Wasps are attracted to food and sugary drinks. Keep your outdoor space clean and clear of food and beverage containers by picking up trash and recycling regularly. Make sure to clean up any spills or messes immediately.

Remove potential nesting sites: Inspect your property for potential nesting sites, and remove them as soon as possible to prevent wasps from building a nest. We recommend contacting us to lend a hand. Plus, our Pest-Free Guarantee service offers seasonal treatments to help you stop these pests!

Use wasp deterrents: There are several products available that can deter wasps from entering your property. For example, hanging fake wasp nests can trick wasps into thinking there is already a nest in the area, causing them to avoid it. Check out this helpful guide for a tutorial on crafting your own faux wasp nest!

Hire a professional pest control service: If you have a wasp infestation or are unsure of how to prevent one, consider contacting us here at proof.! We’ll inspect your property, identify potential problem areas, and provide solutions to keep wasps away.

Following these tips can help prevent wasps from residing on your property and keep your outdoor space safe and enjoyable for you and your family. Remember always to be cautious around wasps and never attempt to remove a nest on your own, as this can be dangerous.

Don’t forget that proof.’s always a call away to help out, as well! Wasps in Michigan are a pain (literally), and we can eliminate any tough infestation on your property. 

call to action featuring the words proof. pest control. protect your family from wasp threats! get started today with trusted wasp service! alongside a yellow jacket in an orange circle

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
