8 Flea Repellents for Humans to Try at Home!

By Lizard

Tired of itching and scratching due to pesky fleas? Our blog has you covered with a deep dive into natural flea repellents for humans. From traditional remedies to innovative techniques, discover how to reclaim your space and keep those unwelcome guests at bay!

Understanding Fleas

Fleas are bloodsuckers– literally. These pests regularly vex mammals and birds looking for their next meal. You may even spot them hitching a ride on your furry friend after their latest outdoor adventure. And they’ll turn on you, too!


These tiny terrors are fast, using their jumping abilities to hop onto dogs and cats with ease. Once they’ve found a host, they get to work feeding and breeding, introducing hundreds of eggs into your home before you know it!


But fleas are more than just an annoyance. They can also pose serious health risks. From the infamous “Black Death” to typhus, fleas have left their mark on the world and continue to do so with every new bite. 


They can even harbor parasites! Some fleas carry tapeworm larvae, which can spell trouble for you and your pets if accidentally ingested.

Essential Oils vs. Fleas

Essential oils can be powerful allies when it comes to keeping fleas at bay naturally. 

lavender essential oil bottle surrounded by lavender leaves used to make flea repellents for humans

Citronella: Known for its fresh and citrusy scent, citronella oil is a well-established natural insect repellent. Citronella can help mask scents that attract fleas, making it less likely for them to latch onto you or your pets. 


Lavender: Its floral scent is pleasing to us but off-putting to fleas, making it an excellent choice for natural flea control. 


Peppermint: The strong aroma of peppermint repels fleas, making it ideal for personal and home use.


Essential oils can provide natural and effective flea-repellent options that are safe for you and your pets. Experiment with different combinations and application methods to find what flea repellents for humans work best for your specific needs.

Herbs that Repel Fleas

Certain herbs, in addition to essential oils, are known for their flea-repellent properties. These herbs add flavor to our culinary creations and serve as natural deterrents for fleas. 

rosemary in a tin pail

Rosemary: Rosemary is a must-have in kitchens everywhere, but did you know it’s more than just a cooking essential? This herb contains compounds that repel fleas, making it handy for keeping those pesky critters at bay.


Eucalyptus: The strong aroma of eucalyptus oil masks the scents that attract fleas, making it less likely for them to infest your living spaces. 


Lemongrass: Lemongrass is a true gem for flea control, thanks to its delightful citrus aroma and natural insect-repelling properties. Packed with compounds like citronella, lemongrass is a powerhouse for keeping fleas at bay.

Other Flea Repellents for Humans

In addition to essential oils and herbs, several other natural ingredients can effectively control fleas. 


Apple cider vinegar: This kitchen essential isn’t just for cooking—it’s also a handy tool in the fight against fleas! Apple cider vinegar creates an acidic environment that fleas can’t stand, making it a natural deterrent.


Neem oil: Neem oil, extracted from the seeds of the neem tree, has been a staple in traditional medicine and pest control for ages. Packed with compounds that repel fleas and disrupt their life cycle, it’s a powerful natural repellent against these pesky critters.

Methods of Application

Curious how you can utilize these options against pesky fleas? Here are our top tips for flea repellents for humans you can create at home. 

Herbal Remedies Against Fleas

Making homemade flea-repellent sprays is easy, and you may already have some of these ingredients at home!


Citrus Flea Spray

  • Boil lemon slices in water for 10-15 minutes. 
  • Allow the mixture to cool, then strain it into a spray bottle. 
  • Spray onto bedding, carpets, and other flea-prone areas.


Herbal Flea Spray

  • Take a handful of fresh or dried herbs, such as rosemary, eucalyptus, or lemongrass, and steep them in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. 
  • Let it sit for a few hours or overnight to allow the herbs to infuse the solution.
  • Then, strain the mixture into a spray bottle. 
  • Use around flea hotspots in your home, but avoid applying them directly to your pets or areas where they spend time. 
  • Keep in mind that certain herbs can cause adverse reactions in household pets, so we advise you to use caution.

Plant Flea-Repellent Herbs

Herbs such as rosemary, eucalyptus, and lemongrass serve a dual purpose by not only repelling fleas but also adding some extra spice to your kitchen: 


Indoor Decor: Strategically place potted herbs throughout your home, particularly near entryways and windows, to discourage fleas from entering indoors. 


Garden Areas: Incorporate flea-repellent herbs into your garden beds or pots for a natural barrier against fleas. You can crush fresh herbs and scatter them around outdoor seating areas to repel fleas during your next outdoor outing.

Essential Oils & Flea Protection

You can use essential oils such as citronella, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus in different ways to keep fleas at bay:


Diffusers: Simply add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to a diffuser and let it run in rooms where fleas are prevalent. This method disperses the scent throughout the space, acting as a natural flea deterrent. But before you begin, double-check to ensure your chosen essential oil is safe around your furry friends. 


Clothing: Mix essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil and apply the blend to clothing, avoiding direct skin contact. This technique is beneficial when spending time outdoors or in areas infested with fleas, as the oils help repel these pesky pests.

Safety Considerations & Long-Term Results 

Exercise caution when using essential oils, particularly around children and pets. While many essential oils have flea-repellent properties, some can be toxic if ingested or applied directly to the skin. Always dilute essential oils and avoid direct contact with your eyes and nose.


Remember your own sensitivities before you turn to natural ingredients. While most natural flea repellents for humans are safe, specific herbs, oils, or other ingredients can cause allergic reactions. 


If you have known allergies or sensitivities, test a small amount of the repellent on a small patch of skin before using it all over. Immediately quit using these products if you notice irritation or a reaction, and seek medical attention! 


While natural flea repellents can offer some relief in the short term, they cannot wholly eliminate flea infestations. These methods can provide temporary solutions, but contact the experts at proof. for lasting and thorough results!


Don’t let fleas take a bite out of you– contact us today!

Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
