do insects live in christmas trees?

By proof. Pest Control
Christmas is almost here, and if you’re like most Americans, you’re probably ready to string the lights, deck the halls, and put up your Christmas tree. But not so fast. Before you decorate this holiday season, you may wonder to yourself, “do insects live in Christmas trees?” Never fear, bug-conscious reader. Our experts at proof. pest control are here with the answers you need.

how to get rid of bugs in your christmas tree

The short answer to the question posed above is yes, insects can hide out in Christmas trees. It is rare, and even when insects do invade the fir and pine trees that are commonly used around Christmastime, it doesn’t usually amount to a full infestation. However, it is still a good idea to check your tree this holiday season before decorating, just to make sure no unwanted guests have snuck in with it.

Major insects that you may find in a Christmas tree include:

  • Adelgids
  • Aphids
  • Mites
  • Praying Mantises
  • Bark Beetles


  • Spiders
  • Moths
  • Sawflies
  • Weevils
  • Webworms
  • Various Scale Insects

Of the types of Christmas trees known for having insects, the Norwegian pine is the most common (if possible, find out from your Christmas tree provider which variety you are getting, and don’t be afraid to ask if their trees have experienced any infestations this holiday season.) Again, the best way to prevent insects from coming in with your Christmas tree is simply to inspect it ahead of time, checking the branches and trunks for signs of bugs, and even giving it a good shake to see if anything falls out. Beyond that, make sure you let your tree sit in the garage for at least 24 hours before you bring it in to decorate. As the tree settles, you will be able to see if any bugs come crawling out from around it. You may also want to purchase a safe spray to coat your tree with during this period, just to ensure any insects onboard are killed off before you take the tree inside.

call proof. pest control to make sure insects don’t ruin your christmas

On the off-chance that you do end up with an infestation on your hands due to your Christmas tree, or for any other reason, simply call proof. pest control. Our residential pest control technicians provide services to take care of insects and a variety of other pests. And with availability this holiday season and year-round, proof. pest control is here to ensure the only surprise visitor to your home this Christmas will be Santa Clause.

To schedule an appointment with proof. pest control, dial , or send us a message online. And from the proof. pest control family to your family, have a happy holiday and a very Merry Christmas!


Call proof. pest control at 888-291-5333, or send us a message online.
