Vole vs Mouse | What’s the Difference?

By proofPest

Vole vs Mouse

Voles & mice may look similar to the untrained eye, but there are some distinct differences between these two families of rodents. In this article, we will cover the appearance, behavior, and potential dangers that both mice and voles can pose to homeowners. We will also provide tips on how to remove voles and mice from your property if you have an infestation.


Mice are typically smaller than voles, with a body length of about four inches and a weight of around half a pound depending on the species. They have slender bodies, small ears, and large eyes. They vary in color, but are typically gray or brown. Mice are typically smaller than rats.

Voles are typically larger than mice, but still smaller than rats. They have a body length of six to eight inches and a weight of up to one pound. They have stout bodies, small ears, and very small eyes. Not to be confused with moles, which are more distinctive with their tiny eyes and long snouts.


Mice are nocturnal animals that prefer to live in dark, enclosed spaces. They are very curious and can be very destructive when they invade homes looking for food or shelter. Don’t be surprised if you see mice chewing up electrical wiring or insulation to use for their nests. Mice are more likely than voles to target sources of trash and scrap foods.

Voles are also typically nocturnal animals that prefer to live in burrows underground. However, it is more common for voles to be spotted in the day time than mice. They are most active at dawn and dusk.

They are not as curious as mice and are less likely to damage property. It’s important to know that voles rarely invade homes in the way that mice do, as their diets revolve around insects and seeds typical found outdoors.

However, voles can spell trouble for your garden and lawn. They are primarily pests for farmers, as they eat seedlings and tear up young plants.


Mice can carry diseases such as salmonella and leptospirosis, which can be harmful to humans. They can also spread fleas and ticks, which can transmit diseases like Lyme disease and be a serious bother for pet owners. Certain species such as the deer mouse can also harbor diseases like hantavirus in their droppings. Additionally, their droppings can attract ants and flies as well.

Mice also can create nests in electrical wiring and insulation which can pose a serious fire hazard if left unchecked. If a mouse dies in the crevices of your home, you will have to locate the body and remove it. Certainly not a pleasant task!

Voles do not typically carry diseases that can be harmful to humans, but they can transmit diseases to plants. Additionally, their burrowing habits can damage plant roots and disrupt the growth of your garden.

While voles do not pose the same health risks as mice, but they can damage gardens and crops by burrowing underground and eating plants. If you aren’t much of a gardener, you won’t really have to worry about these critters.

How to Remove Mice

If you have mice in your home, it’s important to take steps to get rid of them as soon as possible. Mice are attracted to homes in search of food and shelter, and they can quickly reproduce once they’re inside.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to get rid of mice and prevent them from coming back. Start by sealing up any holes or cracks that mice could use to enter your home. Then, set mouse traps baited with cheese or peanut butter in areas where you’ve seen mice activity. If you have a cat, be sure to give it access to any areas where mice may be coming from. You can also try using a natural repellent like peppermint oil. Finally, make sure to keep your home clean and clutter-free, as mice are attracted to messes.

How to Remove Voles

One of the most frustrating things that can happen to a gardener is to find their garden overrun by voles. These small rodents can quickly decimate a carefully cultivated plot, eating everything from plants to bulbs. Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to get rid of voles and prevent them from returning.

Start by eliminating their food sources. Cut back overgrown areas, and remove any debris where they could hide. Next, set up traps around the perimeter of your garden. Be sure to check them regularly, and dispose of any voles that you catch.

You can also try using deterrents such as Ultrasonic repellers or predator urine, which can commonly be found at farming supply stores. Additionally, voles absolutely hate acidic spices like pepper and garlic, so these are good options if you’re looking for a more organic route. By taking these steps, you can keep your garden vole-free. For a more detailed overview of vole removal, check out this article from Penn State.

In conclusion, there are some key differences between mice and voles that every homeowner should be aware of. Mice can pose a serious health risk to humans due to their ability to carry diseases, while voles can damage gardens and crops. If you are experiencing an infestation of either mice or voles, it is best to call a pest control company for assistance.

At proof. Pest Control, we understand that dealing with pests can be a stressful and frustrating experience. That’s why we offer a wide range of pest removal services that are designed to be both effective and gentle on the environment. We use a variety of organic and natural methods to keep your property pest-free, and our experienced team is always available to answer any questions you may have. Whether you’re dealing with ants, mice, spiders, or any other type of pest, we’ll work with you to find the best solution for your situation. Contact us today to learn more about our pest control services.

A rodent CTA for proof. pest control that says contact proof. for comprehensive solutions for a rodent-free home alongside a rat in an orange circle

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